Monday, February 4, 2013

Technology-supported lesson plan

In this week, I am introduced to the task of integrating technology in the lesson plan. In my mind, I always want to apply the principles of corpus linguistics in the teaching of vocabulary and grammar. What I find interesting about this week's topic is the example of how to integrate technology in the lesson plan. Also, with all the experiences shared by fellow teachers in nicenet, I get various helpful insights of how to apply technology in lesson planning as well as teaching.


  1. Hi Bobby,

    I'm so excited to hear of your enthusiasm for incorporating corpus linguistics into your teaching. I've shared some useful corpora in the online discussions. Here are a few:

    The Corpus of Contemporary American English, I highly recommend exploring this site. It gives you clear directions and guidelines of how to go about searching. You can search according 450 million words divided/organized into 5 registers.

    Michigan Corpus of Spoken Academic English,, is also an excellent corpus that can be searched and used as the springboard for many different activities.

    Michigan Corpus of Upper-level student papers,, is another excellent choice. It allows you to search "a collection of around 830 A grade papers (roughly 2.6 million words) from a range of disciplines across four academic divisions (Humanities and Arts, Social Sciences, Biological and Health Sciences, Physical Sciences) of the University of Michigan (U-M), Ann Arbor. MICUSP was created by a team of researchers and students at the U-M English Language Institute (ELI)." This is corpus is excellent for creating grammar/writing analysis tasks.

    I highly advise exploring these sites and using them to create lesson plans and activities in order to introduce your students to real language being used within contexts that meet their specific needs.

